Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Just a few more balloons and I can escape this nut house....

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Please notice Toria Cheating with her Face with this armwreastling game....

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Momma loved the balloons i got her..all 30 of them

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Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeee Yaaahhhhhhhh

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Shhhhh.....If Im very quiet, I can hide behind this from momma.

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Ahhh Yeah...I get all the Chicks

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Yes...I understand this is called mugging for the camera

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Not only am I messy but I make it look Good!

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Look Deeply into my eyes.....Look Deeper....Give me candy!

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This is actually Daddy's sweater...I guess drying a wool sweater on High for 45 minutes is not a smart thing?

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Well I think I'm this close to convincing them to at least giving me my training permit...

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I guess Uncle Scott wants me to be a astronaut

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